Hi! Offensiveness MaXXXimVs here!
I'm one of the writers and my main thing is porno 3d comics and neo-sweat paperback erotica. I help with the graphic design, webbuilding and 3DCG work and some of the writing. Most of the main writing is done by Maxx Feral who focuses more on PG-13 to R-Rated "NeoPulp" stories and is an amateur 2D artist (real media, computer painting) who's also had newspaper articles and political cartoons published. We are both the main workers on this currently active development project for a TTRPG that's "Table-Top Role-Playing Game" and I like that acronym almost as much as "GOAT" which I do NOT like in case my sarcasm failed.
I figured here is a good chance to catch up on things, to give a scope to this project:
First - what Orange Sun / Far-Tomorrows is:
It is an attempt to return the TTRPG concept to its science fiction and fantasy roots but more in line with 70s themed classics than the leeching off of Tolkien the modern "Core" game has been. It is in counter-response to the attempts to make the mainstream "Core" game not only G-rated but "Woke" rated and the infiltration of these types into the "Indie" gaming community. Don't worry, its not about 'politics' we reject the lies the scammers have been using to get their 'ethically sourced' expensive shoe in the door. There will be "Edgy" content to poke them but no sane person would think we really intend a sexist or racist message.
The product will be a template that you can put on any TTRPG system or start new. The world is flexible and much content will be generated by rolls of dice and tables. It is a branch of my "Not F.A.T.A.L. but serious!" concept which is a very vulgar adults only TTRPG supplement created as a "Shitpost" when the Woke did this fake culture war years back. You will not be a slave to the tables (joking on the notorious game) but they will be there to keep the juices flowing creatively. The game will be R rated expecting sane, mature adults to play but not be pornographic. There will be an "X" chapter for different vulgarity levels but assume it's like an R rated movie more for violence and gore but also not holding back sex. The busty barmaid DOES have hot sex with players if she finds them fetching for instance...so what....
You don't need to learn a new system and most TTRPG campaigns early on have a few locations and its easy to shoe-horn them into this world as if there was no change. I expect people who've played TTRPGs a bit to be the main customer so I'm not wasting time making yet another 3rd party TTRPG system of rules or being enslaved to the open source but copywrong minefield from the "Core" game I'm careful not to mention due to issues...
There - three paragraphs. Its more than what most "Woke/SJWs" learned to read in the debt factories aka modern colleges but a legit gaming geek it should be pretty concise. It's inspired by modern controversy but hopefully as it ages it'll just keep its boobs, butts, sexy stuff (and gore, violence) as a legacy that they tried to 'reform' (don't fix what ain't broken) the TTRPG world and made it MORE full of naughty stuff!
But for quickie:
What it IS
1 - Mature return to Vance, Wolfe, sci-fi and fantasy roots of the system. Not necessarily 70s but that helps too. No disrespect to JRR Tolkien but he's been used too much. Check out the chapter on Orcs, Elves, etc. but how they are in the world more inspired by HG Welss's "The Time Machine" than ripping off Tolkien! The world is the "Far Future" but will feel like a "Fantasy World" so no "Ray-Gun but you call it Magic Missile because your character is a primitive" garbage - your character if born in this world is a very advanced human in a Long Cycle of history.
2 - Loose template - You can start a game in the "Base World" and add this as if it was the world. You can start in this world. It will have many sample maps and tables to roll up the particulars both at start and as you go. We might make supplements such as for the Asian areas our "Oriental Adventure" but you won't need tons of "Modules" the book will be a module like "Geomorphs" but for the world. Since the paradigm of the RPG world being the far future you can add some parts to your world without wrecking it.
3 - Familiar but unique setting - Yes its meant to start looking like the classic "Core" TTRPG the loose Middle Ages that never was. Except its NOT that by a long shot. More Late Renissance and early industrial. Also its the far future to explain tons of stuff -
4 - Counter-Push - I understand the Mainstream (D&D, etc.) got bought out by corporate interests and turned G-rated versus the clearly R-rated Sci-fi/fantasy world they emerged from. (read 60s, 70s Sword and Sorcery paperbacks if you don't know) However in the 90s into the 00s they emerged with plenty of adult interests, not meaning "Porno" but not made for kids. That's what Comic Books had to deal with for Gawdz sake. The "Woke" era took this to the Nth degree wrecking the games with needless "Diversity" attempts.
What it's not:
1 - Yet another 3rd party system - no new set of rules to read on and adapt to - even the background while detailed is loose and flexible. You need to know how to run and make an adventure module to enjoy this best and how to "Role-Play" but you won't need to memorize tons of lore, rules, specific die rolls.
2 - Sexist, Racist, intolerant - We are filling this thing FULL of nasty content. Mostly sexual in terms of buxom wenches, damsels in distress, PC races sexy and forbidden. Also gory monsters, sexual situations, nasty stuff. Like RL only exaggerated and at least more pretty ladies and fun and freedom. In short what the "Woke" hate. Also "Problematic content" LOTS of stuff to make the "Woke" SCREAM... However - no one would seriously think we for real intend any sexist, racist, intolerant message nor do we think anyone would come out of the game with such a view if they didn't come in with it.
Case in point - the chapter on "The Cruel Emperor Tzon Chon" - taking a character mentioned in one sentence from HP Lovecraft (in the public domain) and extrapolating. This isn't meant to be a "Yellow Peril" or anti-Asian thing though such racism was quite common when it was a classic Pulp fiction trope. Like REH's "Erlik Khan" I think HPL was laying the seed for his own "Fu-Manchu"? It's meant to be a separation from today to this far-future history; The cruel Emperor's reign is 5000 years hence (3K in HPLs original) and it is where the Ancient history of this world begins...! In between there are several eras and they fit into Maxx Feral's "Pulp" universe but the end point was when Tzon Chon took over the world and ruled it for tens of thousands of years under his merciless eyes. So to readers it gives a sense of scope of the great epochs of time. There has certainly been included content people would find problematic but the message is not racist. The people of "The East" would say; "The monster was destroyed at last..." and "We suffered the most under the Cruel Emperor" - and furthermore they'd be "Racist" to some of his descendant disciples the Natives of Uccastrog - taken again from public domain Clark Ashton Smith's "Isle of the Torturers". He created them as some generic "Send someone off for torturous death" in the last few thousand years of his reign as he was getting bored slowly cutting people apart for the slightest rumor of negative thoughts of his divine rule. But many thousands of years after it, is it a Torturer's fault he was born on that isle and if he escaped to live a different life is it just he's hated even if he tries to live NOT as a torturer?
3 - Just a shitpost - that is made ONLY in response to the Woke attack. "Not F.A.T.A.L. but Serious" started as a shitpost and is to a point, not this work. Inspired by of course but its more a mature take on the genre, another period of self-examination. When the Woke slither off for another cause or more likely beg to work at Starbucks or as an entry level worker who'll never advance in their uncle's business this movement will still be here and hopefully have changed the TTRPG industry to the direction it should have gone.
4 - ONLY for old school/Grognards - Let's put it this way - as a munchkin one of the first munchkin gamers I loved a certain miniature - picture - "Hey! Don't touch it!" - "I wanna play too..." - "Maaannn Fuck... Who let him in..." - "I wanna play too..." - "Okay. But please don't show this to my Mom or tell her about my Heavy Metals or the Hustlers under them..."
New gamers who've recently played are WELCOME here. The "Base" RPG is there in all its slick and glossy and bland "Woke-Rated" glory for you to buy at a high price at the bookstore OR buy 1/3 cover online from all the now hurting gaming stores forced to stock it. Older games tend to be pricey. This is new, no dead trees and gets you that feel of what a RPG should be.
5 - A foot in the door for dumb stuff like "hard science" - just because it's far future and the history explains it doesn't mean "Magic" doesn't work. No ray-guns instead of wands and if you tried to explain a Dragon was just some kind of "Non-ascended Transhuman" they'd EAT you even the "Good" ones. Magic works per Clarketech (or Prequels to Star Wars) the space-time has been edited to make it real. Matter of fact a spaceman crashing on the far future Earth might be freaked out when his "Emergency Blaster" ran out of charges and with no atomic battery it couldn't be recharged by waiting but his new friends took him to a "Magic Item repair" in the coastal cities and they somehow charged it even with "Mumbo Jumbo"... I love Arthur C Clarke - and I mean Platonically - but he was the king of Hard Science Fiction which I recognize but prefer the Sci-fi/fantasy. I think he'd be mildly amused if he was still alive and hopefully not bring legal issue with a few mild tributes.
6 - A "Tables" nightmare - the tables are for fun and help not hard trenched rules. It will be simple - want random kingdoms, towns, dungeons, names for stuff, treasures? Lots of fun suggestions on what could happen so the GM can setup a dungeon quickly in this world and it will have names, monsters, a unique flavor.
So stay tuned for more work on the Orange Sun/Far Tomorrows project -
And my naughty little sequel to "Not F.A.T.A.L. but Serious!" x-rated adventure ideas!
That first image, the far-tomorrows one looks just like something Faustie would have made. Is that his work? Is Faustie still around, alive? If so, I'd love to get in touch with him...
ReplyDeleteNo - it's Gulavisual - https://www.patreon.com/gulavisual/posts
DeleteCommission work from him for the character with Midjourney background by me.