Sunday, July 17, 2022

A cure for a Malady of the Minde - a tale in which the Wytches of the Eros Cult do a good service for a family...

"Mother!  Father!  Enough...  I'm ...sorry (he choked back tears...) but I love Pietor and he will be my partner for life no matter the Increate said we would be both males in this lifetime.  Let the Speaker try to scare us with Dawgma all day.  And if it be I must seek my own fortune, so be it, I shall go to Tipor the coastal city with Pietor.  He is an artist and artisan and I've learned my trade in Wares to be Journeyman so I shan't ask a sovereign coin from you...

"Son..." his father said, "It is that you are the only Male besides me in our household.  The name must continue.  You can just be best friends with Pietor and once in a while ... go camping.  Some men do that and almost every woman has a friend she shares ...secrets... with...?"

"Like Mum and my non relative Aunte Bernicey?"  he said, "I suppose that is who I got my ... nefarious malady from..."

"Siemoen...!  Don't you dare leave this house...!?"
But the lad picked up his already made pack and left the door closing loudly on the way out.

"I shall pray for him..." said Father Speaker Thomas, the local Agnost Priest.
"What good will that do.  Your Dawgma scared him nothing?"  Simeon's father, Donovam said as his wife held him and wept.

"The Increate has allowed Mankind his Free Will, that is Dawgma.  We speak and interpret his will and counsel men but if there be direct reward for virtue and sure punishment in life for sin then there be no Free Will.  I can give tongues to speak his word, I can smite true enemies but the miracles I am given do not allow me to force one's mind."

A knock on the door and a voice called from the street through the viewing bars, a low soft but powerful feminine voice; "I see your sign say ye be not to be disturbed on this day but I was given word you might need to consult my order...?

"Enter!" Donovam almost shouted,  The door opened and in strode several females in robes that almost covered their strong, voluptuous bodies and shrouded their faces.  They were wrapped for modesty but their curves and especially hips and enormous breasts were neigh bursting the thin soft fabric.   They wore sparse jewelry, sandals advertised their perfect feet and they carried staffs carved into a wooden double phallus cardecus

"Wytches!?  Of the Eros cult!?" Speaker Thomas spat out, "No!  The Church does NOT approve....!"

"You yourself said you can not force free will.  And the Wytches are an option of any free citizen per the treaty...."

"Please...  Your daughters know your craft well and I could find an orphan.  Or we could wait a while?"
"A man must succeed me, Speaker, to carry on my lawful name and I doubt any adult male I could train in my crafts in time could be found.  I know it be a sin to consul the Wytches but I will bear it if need be to protect my household!"

The Agnost excused himself in disgust and walked out the side door to come not near the Wytches who were greeting with kind gestures but of a fleshy kind.  The head witch made an arms out bow and if by will alone the Hausfrau, Donovam's wife was the one to talk to despite it being a matter of defending a Patriarchal issue."

"A quick chat we shall have, Daughter, over obligation and recompensense but we must make reasonable haste...  May I assume the young man running out of the house is the one you wish us to give ... Consul?"

Later - in the forest - the two men were keeping a brisk pace.
"I know these woods well, Siemon, we'll be in HansForge before the moonrise and in a week or so's walk the Coast.  I have coin and hard sausage saved well.  Don't look back, I've shed too many tears also.  Won't it be fun to settle in the coastal city instead of just visiting once every other year and be too busy on business to enjoy oneself?"

They stopped in their tracks seeing a strange green mist...
It wrapped all around them and it was like blackest night had fallen and the only light came from the glowing green mist at their feet!

"Little lost lambs....." a feminine voice cooed.
"Little Sinners..." another spake.
"We are here to cure you..." a third hissed!

"Wycthes!?" Pietor gasped.  Simeoen took front and pulled his short-sword.
"I be of legal age and by guild of Journeyman status...  I may go of my own by right of way and with me..."

He was standing alone in the mist, though shadows of voluptuous ladies seemed to dance around him.
"Ye be young madmen...  Your parents both asked us to cure your sickness of the Mind..."

"No!  I will..." - Simeoen grunted as the short sword was knocked from his arm by an unseen hand.  He could tell that the had had such strength and speed it could have pierced his chest casually if it had wanted to.  Immediately two of the Wytches were holding him and he heard a suppressed scream of his lover Pietor off somewhere in the mists..  "You cute little Sinner!" a Wytch giggled.  She reached into his pants and undid the leather straps to hold his front but her other hand was on his head and held him in paralyzed shock, sparks from her body entering his mind.  Another Wytch had grabbed him by his arms but when her syster had held his mind had moved to his legs, helping her fellow manipulate between his legs.


"It is not your fault, little Sinner..." the Wytch cooed, her breath breathing into his from sweet lips and he noticed her curly red and auburn hair - the smiling lips, the short kisses...  "Oh, some perhaps are born your degenerate way, others choose to sin...  But no matter, we are here to help you..."
Simoen gasped as his manhood became full and started quivering.  He noticed again the sweet breath, the kisses, her enormous breasts squeezing against his chest.  Milk squirted when pressed and the warm milk soaked onto his skin through his clothes and seemed to burn.  He'd have tried to fight but his body was held without his will as both Wytches held him and manipulated his body.

Simoen screamed as his manhood erupted and kept erupting in a wave of pleasure and pain as the strange magicks from the Wytch's hand burned his brain.  He lost consciousness...

Later, in the Donovam household.  A bed and darkened room.  A dim fire with some books and Pfennig-dreadfuls of questionable lifestyle advocacy burning.  In the room with Simoen were his parents, the Agnost speaker, the Wytch and now Anette, the young woman whom Simoen was betrothed...

"So we've worked with Pietor's household, he'll go to the Pine Mountains and a year's stint in the guards but the unit he's in is strict and there are ... women there?"

"Yes, and thus he will not meet Simeon for quite a while to complicate things.   His parents owed me a lot or we'd be sending our son off but better the bond with Pietor be broken and heal in a normal presence."

"I must take my leave now.  Have the young lady hold his hand.  She should be careful, he'd be the last to hit a woman willfully but might thrash in nightmare.  The spell I cast will take time and better he form a bond to her than chase any woman with newfound passion.  May I assume that as she was matched with him, an excellent one at that besides his malady, you consent with him cohabiting with her?  Excellent.  He may be needy in an obvious way.  Blessings of our God be upon this household..."

"I still oppose this utterly." the Agnost Speaker said to the Father of the household.
"I know it be a Sin, to turn to the Wytches, but I'll risk my judgement to protect my household."
"It is not that," said the priest, "I did not think your household could easily afford the Wytches...  Consulting a Wytch for a fortune is bad, paying for a lesser service is also bad but such a service costs very much...  More than a tradesman even of your good status can easily afford.  Did you...?"

"Suspect them not." said the young woman at Simoen's side, a raven haired lady in a nice tradesperson class dress.  "I took the full price." and she bore her chest with breasts only small in comparison to the Wytches.  The mark of Luna in crescent form and tiny dot of her daughter was upon them, small and almost under the left breast.

As the priest gasped and stared she said - "I was his betrothed.  I'd asked my parents to set me up with him as I had eyes for him since we were children.  We tried to make it work, even ... did things before just to see.  But he only had passion for his male friend.  I paid the price so if you denounce anyone as Apostate it be me!"

The priest held his own staff out, the Cross of the Great Wheel in the Sky with its twelve houses for the drivers of the Age in between its spokes, the cross in the center representing the Great Son.  He tapped her lightly on the head;  "I grant thee lesser Martyr status.  You threatened your soul and status in pure love not greed nor evil.  You must increase your efforts to behave in accordance with universal law but I shall not denounce you for this deed."

The priest bowed and left.  They noted the Wytch was still there.
"What will you ask in exchange...?" she started, covering her bosom up.
The Wytch helped her with her dress and put her hand back on her Beau's as he twisted in uncomfortable dreams.
"Nothing that will hurt another or even embarrass your poor Speaker.  You'd think he only knew of us from fairy tales wanting you to drug the sweet juice at the party and tuck curse-dolls under beds.  We'll only ask mild favors for our order now and again, nothing too taxing nor illegal or any of that.  And we'll check in from time to time to make sure your Husband's malady does not return, it is not a debt but a bond and obligation.  I have many myself and must be off." - and the Witch left the room, leaving a relived set of parents with their 'cured' son and his bride to be.

As she left the door her voice carried, "And you may even bear a Hero of this age amongst your children...!"


---FYI - "Mark of the Wytch" in this far age vs a simple crescent as in the past (and a REH story!)

Luna under its thin atmosphere in the waning period with the rare and either malefic or benign appearance of her 'daughter' a new satellite that's usually invisible.  When the tattoo is done by a Wytch proper, taking some materials and secret techniques it appears as a blue ink but will shine under the moonlight and the dot for the Moon's "Daughter" will sparkle.

-----Note - the two illustration images are cuts of a larger image - which will be in the full book.  A commission by "Gulavisual" for this project - if you wish to see the full image earlier and perhaps more images from this project I have no problem with you logging into his site and signing up to see these and many more erotic and fantasy/science fiction based drawings!

The Witches of Eros

A cult in the Far-Tomorrows of immense power and influence, the Witch cult guards secrets and provides services to society in pursuit of its long term goals.  It centers around worship of the Elder God, Eros, once depicted as an infant in an ancient Pantheon of Gods from Man's pre-dawn age now an elder being usually only depicted as a face from an ancient statue and these are often crumbled with age.

Most of their social influence revolves around women, femininity, harvests, festivals and health especially that of women.  They provide many services for free or a trifle, such as advice on harvest, health, cycles of nature and of body, simple potions (non-magical), women's health and services of, fortune telling, fitness and martial arts.  They have little if any official political power but it is said they can whisper into half the ears of all women and influence them greatly so that the beds are burning for men who tend to have the power decide in the way the Witches suggest.  What they ask directly is rarely anything that seems to affect any power structures or economies so officials usually cater to them.

The Greater Path

A Witch of Eros is not just about spooky behavior, sexual feats, transformations, secret rituals in deep elder forests - though that's a good part of it.  A With has a lifelong mission to fulfil long term goals that are secretive to all but the heads of the order and perhaps the God Eros himself.  It seems to be around mostly breeding humanity so that he stays largely human as he was in the past but slowly might be ascending to a transcendant state.

A Witch of Eros thus sometimes needs to explore ruins and wildplaces to collect samples and perhaps enrich herself with treasure for her own comfort and to donate to her order for minor status.  However she is always working on the order's goals - thus she has a steep cost in actions she must perform or face higher ego loss and some power dampening until corrected.  There is always a "Witch Mother" who trained her and can control access to greater ascension in the ranks and greater powers who seems to know her every move and somehow suggests what she needs to do.

There will be tables of suggestions for in dungeon adventure conditions and between adventure missions.  They can't only just relax, play, have sex waiting for the next Dungeon Crawl.

Role-play advantages:

Witches of Eros are a good effective Fighter+Magic User+Cleric combo - powerful both with magic and combat
They get to be "As sexy as they want to be"
Have lots of perks and powers


High responsibility - so most between adventures are mini-solo adventures to regain ego and if missed have a reduction in ego, even powers until the balance is met.
Set of rules - and tables - on what to do/not do
Hierarchy of power and command - has "Witch Mother" direct line that can control or command
Higher experience/levelup and while the highest levels are certainly in "Epic" category the "Archmages" or free traditional magic users are certainly more powerful.  They need more XP to advance but have more demands so they are challenging but not a long grind to get powerful.

Spells are non-"Vancian" meaning can cast more based on other factors (HP, Blood, special rituals or components) than the study, use, forget method but also less flexible.  Note this game tributes back to original source where the limited spells had more flex for focus versus power.  A "Shield" spell could be tweaked to be 10x more powerful say against metals at the cost of being vulnerable to wood or anything else really and it'd be the Mage's gamble to do it.
ONLY female characters to be a Witch of Eros.  Males certainly are part of the "Eros cult" truly anyone bound to them in any way is a welcome part, but plenty of laypersons live their lives with the religion being their background but those with power are women priestesses.  They have Dawgma to not see themselves superior to men, it is a matter of Men's roles and Women's roles.

Role-play tips:
Be mysterious and feminine - 
They have great influence but it is carefully used for some far in the future goal and so care must be taken in each step.
Avoid direct fighting and initiating combat unless it is clearly the right action.  Being able to shape-shift into a warped but pretty hyper feminine powerhouse after a few levels helps said confidence.  Be direct and deadly when force must be used.
You drip sex and sexuality but are not a whore or a slut.
You are a woman's potential best friend and even a man's if they will come to you and be of use to the Cult.  Certainly one they want as an ally and never an enemy.
You also certainly are not without personal desire - and as long as it doesn't hurt the cult and might help it you may indulge - such as a liaison or going on a fun trip with explorers.  On the latter, gold, jewels and artifacts aid personal luxury but sometimes some deep secret is found and it is great status to share it with the Mothers...

Temporary Haitus

Greetings - just an update. Happy New year. Tis I, Emperor OffensiVeness MaXXXImVs! We are working on FarTomorrows including a website but b...